Public Art

TreeTown Murals believes public mural art should reflect the community it lives in, in addition to encouraging community involvement and economic development. Your public mural painting will become a symbol of your community by defining the views, goals, and attitudes or the residents and visitors alike.
By bringing mural art into our public spaces and neighborhoods we stand out as a community who takes pride in the fact that art is an important part of our daily lives.
A public mural can capture your communities history while looking towards the future, bring beauty and safety to a blighted area, in addition to transforming any space into an aesthetically uplifting environment.
(Scroll down fore more information)
Public Art Murals Gallery
Public Mural Art – How A Consultation Is Set Up, and The Process Behind It:
Set up an appointment for a FREE consultation to get an understanding of the many possibilities for your public community mural project. TreeTown Murals will utilize their years of public mural consulting experience to guide you through choosing a site, designing your vision, coordinating community participation and can also make recommendations for fundraising and grant proposal opportunities.
Each mural is incredibly unique to your community, neighborhood, school, and city center. The purpose for your mural can be educational and historical. It can be commemorative, by highlighting a pivotal event, person, or movement. It can be simply aesthetic, aimed to beautify and uplift spirits. It is also possible the image is secondary and the participation of volunteers, students, staff, or residents becomes the primary focus for your mural project.
Projects like this are vital for community building in any city or town. TreeTown Murals believes a mural is a symbol of the community, defining the city’s moral fiber in both the views of the residents and the visitors, alike.
Just as landmarks do, murals become part of the oral geography of an area creating a source of education and pride for years to come.
(this volunteer process is designed for a community interested in a “Town Mural”)
With any mural project, the design phase is integral to the genesis of the heart and soul of the mural itself. It is here where the input from the community at large plays the biggest roll. The best way to coordinate this phase is to organize a creative think tank. The members will be made up of volunteers from area businesses, schools, galleries, and of all others who feel they have a stake or interest in what the imagery and themes of the mural should be.
I will set up two meeting times to discuss imagery. The first will be a meet and greet, and an open discussion forum for design themes. All those who attend will be responsible for bringing visual data in the form of photos, books, graphics and web links relating to the proposed theme.
The second meeting will be conducted two weeks after the first. In the time leading up to the meeting TreeTown Murals will take the collection of input from the think tank to “the drawing board,” producing up to 2 design variations for approval. This part of the process is extremely exciting for TTM and those involved, you adopt me a part of your working community and in turn I make your ideas and inspirations come to life.
Upon approval of a mural design, TTM will create a small scale mock up of the mural, also known as a maquette. The maquette will play in important role in the area of volunteer painters. Volunteers will be able to see what they are helping to create. The colors and composition will not be a mystery. I will be able to easily facilitate the their involvement in the overall creation of the mural.
Some will want to become more involved than others; the idea is to create an environment that is not intimidating and exciting of all who participate. All will be welcome to “make their mark.” The bulk of the volunteering opportunities will be early on in the construction process. I will ultimately be the artist responsible for the final out come.
A community public mural project can be executed within 2 to 4 months.