Allmendinger Park Project
August – October 2012
This unique project, commissioned by the Ann Arbor Public Art Commission, was designed to reflect the neighborhood around the park. Residence of the Allmendinger Park neighborhood were invited to donate a small relic from their family or personal history to be included into the mosaic sections of the pillar murals. Over 60 families and individuals participated. Eighth grade students from near by Slauson middle school were also invited to add their mark. Over 50 hand painted self portraits were added into the mosaic compositions.
The park is a central location for residence, visitors, sport teams, and dog enthusiasts. In the past it was a struggle to keep vandalism away from the park pavilion, the murals and mosaics have created a landmark location for all to take pride in and take care of.
In addition to the gallery below, check out this photo essay by local photographer, Doug Coombe